Be Kind NGO took initiative to start a old age home. An old parent staying in an old age home is a common enough phenomenon. But is it desirable? Most elderly people cannot reconcile themselves to the idea of living in old age homes. We, their children, want them to live happily, in peace and preferably in the one place where they have always lived – their own homes. But this is the digital age. Aged parents are often left alone while their children go abroad to live and work. So, the next logical step is to put an old father or mother in an old age home. While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with staying in an old age home, it does offend sensibilities. With advancing age, people often lose motor functions. Performing day to day activities becomes a daunting task. In an old age home, the association helps with daily activities. An alternative to this is having a dedicated caregiver who can help with the everyday chores around the house